Lyndon Davies

What Came
It flows until it's fixed
white marble with birdsong over it each slow slow-gathering
stalagmite pierced by a thousand
little transverse spongy runoffs bursting arterioles
but it isn't blood it's remembering
how the soul was struck and the fragile central chamber
of the show-home struggled in its refuse
black water of remembrance flowing without design
but never without 'meaning'
fat squabbly entrails spooling out everywhere
all over the ground fickle intimate disaster
a master throttled by his own exile
gives way and he falls
and falls again to new fumblings into new wards
of blight it's difficult to breathe like that
torn off wodged up into slurry-wash into watered silk
dressing gowns because there is no space
just gardens where ordinary sunlight and shadows play
no roofs only walls no houses only walls
a master with all addresses at his disposal
gropes for the gate but it's difficult to find the way
because of the walls the runoff
mitching into a tidy garden child over child
so many between those walls it's necessary
to build more walls more walls between walls necessary
to make room for consideration and dialogue
as to how to exist without limit or beginning
wings without heads without birds pure
of any relation to body soaring up
into marble skies not yet resplendent but struggling
hard for resplendence heaven-bound trajectory
of the cannon-ball of imaginary future reckoning
look here we are